In times of need, places of hurt, God is moving for your good. We are committed to moving with Him, for you.

What is the life God wants for me?

  • The greatest gift God ever gave humanity was the salvation that Jesus Christ purchased for us on the cross…but what’s the second? The moment that each of us say “yes” to the gift of salvation…that’s when our eternity begins. The God who created the universe with just one word has thought so highly of each of us that He’s invited us into the work He’s doing here on Earth. The fact that we get to contribute, with our finite years on this planet, eternal impact is a priceless gift. The Biblical job of Pastoral staff, an Elder Team, and a Church institution at large is to “equip the saints to do the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4), so that’s exactly what TMC is aiming to do. Your God has offered you the chance to spend your life investing into other people’s eternity. God doesn’t need this from you. He wants this for you. And so do we.

  • Relational and spiritual growth happens in circles better than rows. Sunday services are awesome. They’re intended to create opportunities for individual spiritual connection. God’s intent for His people was that we be connected in community. We gather in smaller groups, in homes, with food, fellowship and have a concentrated time to talk about the Bible together. Growth Groups are designed to grow in two ways…numerically and spiritually. God doesn’t need this from you. He wants this for you. And so do we.

  • Church should be a place where individuality is celebrated. Our God is a creative genius, and you need to look further than the mirror to prove that out. The unique distinction about how God works is that He’s made it clear that your gift isn’t for you… it’s for everybody else. His intent in making you the way He did was to grant you purpose in serving others. The Movement Church wants to see you serving only in the sincerest way God intended you to do so. God doesn’t need this from you. He wants this for you. And so do we.

  • They say, “God loves a cheerful giver.”, but have you ever wondered why? Our Bible doesn’t tell us that God loves a giver no matter their attitude. God doesn’t love begrudging givers. God’s not excited about dutiful givers. God loves cheerful givers. He wants us to be set free. The process of Christianity is becoming more like God as we get closer to the day we’ll see him face to face. What could be more like God than learn how to give? What could help us to understand a Father who would sacrifice His only Son for us more than to make financial, time, and physical sacrifices in service to our God? And to find the joy in the process… God doesn’t need this from. you. He wants this for you. And so do we.

  • What could be more important than a people who know how to access their Father? Every Christian who’s ever lived has experienced highs and lows in their faith-walk; refreshing and exhausting times. Times of joy and times of anguish. Times of intimacy and times of isolation. The Movement Church deeply desires for its people to consistently make space in their lives for time with God on every point of the spectrum of life. Sunday mornings simply can’t sustain us. Each of us must find a rhythm for reconnection. We must commit to practicing the presence of the Lord in our lives. What could be better for you on this side of eternity than to know how to access the only real help, healing, comfort, guidance, support, and love that matters? God doesn’t need this from you. He wants this for you. And so do we.



1330 Creekside Drive Monument, CO 80132